Manoel Island Yacht Marina
This Marina is centrally located in Gzira, on the south coast of Manoel Island and is part of Manoel Island Yard. The marina It provides very well protected pontoons, so skippers can anchor safely regardless of the NE winds.
With the capital city, Valletta, in the background, this Marina is an amazingly beautiful mooring and is the perfect location to go anywhere on the island .You can enjoy a really fascinating view of Valletta’s huge fortress and a variety of beautiful buildings with spectacular architecture.
This coastal town is rife with chandlery shops, major shopping malls, supermarkets, bars, restaurants and tourist services that are all accessible within a short walking distance from the Marina. A pharmacy is also located just across the Marina. The Marina is also within walking distance of Sliema, one of the most inviting tourist areas in Malta. Having all these amenities so close make Manoel Island Yacht Marina the number one choice for all visiting yachts in Malta irrespective of size.
This Marina can accommodate vessels up to 80 meters in length stern to or along-side. Mooring at Manoel Island is Mediterranean style, meaning that bowlines and stern lines are to be provided by the vessel. Each berth is independently serviced by metered water and electricity. Refuse is collected on a daily basis and special arrangements can also be made for the disposal of hazardous waste.
If you require more information or would like to your berthing space at Manoel Island Marina please do not hesitate to contact us here.
Manoel Island Yacht Marina coordinates: 35°54.00’ North, 14°.30.216 East